
Mom and Baby Yoga

What do we do? Who are we?

Do you have any questions about what we do, or who we are? Or do you have an idea for a class that you would like us to teach? Please feel free to contact us using the form below.

We’re all around the community

Did you know that we also teach other classes in and around the community including after and during school programs? We also teach yoga at camps, at festivals, and retreat weekends. Is there somewhere where you would like to do yoga? Let us know and we will develop a program specific to your needs and the needs of your event.

There are tonnes of ways to get in touch with us:






Or you can contact us through the form below:
Of course we’ll never share your information with anyone without your permission


Are you interested in using our studio space?

The Holding Space is available to members of our community who share our values. We believe in fair, inclusive and respectful treatment of all people regardless of ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender identity, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic status.

Please contact us to share your ideas on how you would like to use to our space.
